- Brand strategy
- Codes and cues
A good thing, not just a plaything
Cheestrings are one of the fun items in a kid’s lunchbox. Mums know they’ll be taken out, enjoyed, eaten. What mums didn’t know was that Cheestrings, contrary to all appearances, aren’t ‘plastic food’, empty of nutrition. They’re in fact mozzarella-style formulations, made of real cheese, and packed with nutrients.
How to get that message across without spoiling the fun? Passionbrand worked with the Kerry Foods team to explore not only what mums knew, but what they wanted for their kids. The recommendation was to focus on a single nutrient – calcium – which is so vital for healthy growth. That struck a chord, both rationally and emotionally, for mothers across the UK and Ireland.
Passionbrand created ideas for codes and cues in packaging and communications designed to reinforce the calcium message while keeping everything appropriately light and easy to digest.
Passionbrand has also worked with Kerry Foods on Richmond Sausages – exploring ways to improve the substance, not just the sizzle – and on the potential power of the Kerry brand itself.