At London Business School’s inaugural ‘Think Ahead’ panel event, Passionbrand’s Helen Edwards (below, second from right) talked about consumer-driven disruption as the new fuel for growth. It’s a theme she has inspired audiences with in several other talks this year.
As part of our work for J&J’s surgical vision brand TECNIS, Passionbrand scripted and produced a suite of videos aimed at diverse audiences: surgeons, employees, prospective cataract patients. This inspiring 4-minute patient story was directed by Bas Verwoerd of Fono, Amsterdam.

London Business School MBA
PhD in marketing
Teaches brand management at
London Business School
Author, From Marginal to Mainstream:
why tomorrow’s brand growth will come
from the fringes – and how to get there first.
Award-winning columnist for
Marketing Week. Keynote speaker at
Festival of Marketing

Has created and developed global
brand ideas for Mercedes-Benz,
Emirates, Unilever, The BBC
Co-author, Creating Passion Brands:
how to build emotional brand
connection with consumers
Contributor to Marketing and
Market Leader
Work published in 11 D&AD Annuals
in five creative disciplines
New York One Show Gold winner