- Brand positioning
- Internal brand engagement
Finding the solution by embracing the toughest part of the problem
World Vision is a global development agency based on strong Christian values. Child sponsorship is its main fund-raising tool. In this highly competitive sector, World Vision was struggling with some big challenges: low awareness, a name that left people confused about what the organisation does, some internal and external questioning of child sponsorship, disagreement about how to express Christian values, and a lack of ‘presence’ in national and government development discourse.
The project was to work closely with the UK team to develop a brand positioning that could help address these challenges and provide a unifying theme that the organisation could build from. The process utilised the Passionbrand 4-corners framework to provide inspiration and direction; four possible routes for the brand were developed and researched with rich stimulus.
The winning solution put World Vision’s focus on children front and centre, leveraging the deeply personal but enriching benefits of the sponsorship experience, but at the same time making it clear that World Vision has something to say in the broader development context because of its long-term, committed, individual relationships.