
Tools and frameworks

Passionbrand tools and frameworks are designed to be simple, practical and usable pretty much by anyone with a brain in their head. We never trademark anything. So do feel free to use, or adapt, these tools and frameworks to help you map marketing issues with more clarity, and round on them with more efficiency.

Passion Brand positioning framework

Brand Idea

Beliefs, culture, capability, customers, the wider environment: they’re all part of positioning. The art is finding the sweet spot.

Zones of Brand Perception activation tool

A dynamic touchpoint tool that puts the consumer in the centre and works out from there.

Internal brand engagement framework

A 6-stage process, each one seen from the employee’s point of view. Developed by Passionbrand in conjunction with HR professionals at easyJet, where the framework was first used. Now taught as a brand engagement case by Helen in her guest lectures at London Business School.

The Spectrum of Self – targeting tool

Instead of thinking about your consumer as a static ‘target’, think about the ‘journey of self’ that they are on.

Other useful stuff

Helpful definitions

Marketing is full of terms that get casually bandied about. But what do they really mean?

The Top 10 tools from academiaMarketing

In this classic Marketing article, Helen draws from her academic experience to select the most powerful marketing tools from across the decades: designed by brilliant minds and proven in use by practitioners.

Brand nuggets

25 bite-size snippets of brand wisdom for when you’re seeking inspiration – or just feeling a bit bored.